
City: Plano | Gender: Female | Age: 56

Life has changed so much for me in the past year. I'm no longer attached. I left my partner of 17 years and am creating a whole new world for myself in a new environment, and I'm SO happy. I'm not sure if I need AM at this point....because I do want to find someone permanent for a long term relationship. Possibly even marriage some day. But in the meantime, I'd like someone to hang out with from time to time, spend quality time for a few hours snuggling and whatever comes naturally/feels comfortable. Also, I don't do any kind of sexting, or phone sex. I'm really just looking for someone who I can meet in real life, spend quality time with in REAL LIFE, something that will last...not just a one time thing. Not into online "sex". So, unless you can come to me or live close enough that I can come to you, .....don't click that "like" button. lol. I'm pretty easy going, and like to go to concerts in a park, maybe have a drink or two, but I do not tolerate drunkeness very well. So, please don't be that guy. I like floating down the Kikapoo on an innertube, but most in my crowd like to do the kayak thing and/or the canoe so if you're into either of those, there's room to join me and my friends on that venture. Then you and I could go off and be by ourselves for some private time. I'm also very good at pool and occasionally like to hang out in the bar. But, again, not to get stupid drunk. There's just nothing sexy about that. I love swimming, bike riding, gardening, and would love to take up rollerskating again. A few hours of fun, then a few more hours of some private fun. And some days it'd just be good to snuggle, watch a movie, eat some food ...and enjoy each other's company with no one else involved. If that sounds good to you, please feel free to message me.

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